Please? I've noticed that with all these fragmented thoughts and what not - the reality of which you are seeing on this blog, the harder it is for me to concentrate on real tasks for an extended period of time. I wonder what's going on with me? I'm just losing my focus. Perhaps I should make a concerted effort to blog about particular topics in-depth, as opposed to a stream of consciousness thing that I'm used to.
At least I'm not making the same mistakes again!
With all this cold and lack of sleep it feels like my body is shutting down. All I want to do is stay in bed and sleep. It didn't help that I lost my beanie while I was sleeping and then I woke up in the middle of the night absolutely freezing, which continued on to the morning. Also had a strange dream where I called in sick for work and stayed home. It actually made me very happy! Haha, wow! I'm so easily pleased. Maybe I'll give that a go sometime. I'll just make a conscious decision to waste the day. It's not like I'm wasting my life...oh wait a minute! Hmmm, I really don't want to do any work today, but things are so busy that I don't have a choice.
Oh wow, I can see the moon from here! From my desk, amongst the great blue sky (yes it is day time), I can see an outline of the moon. It looks amazing. I wish I could go and take a picture but I can't because I'm too busy, and the camera on my iPhone wouldn't have the clarity to do the shot any justice. I wonder what it would have been like for the Apollo crews that got to the moon? What a journey.
Ok my work is pretty much done, and yet there's still 3 and a half hours to go until I can get the hell out of here. What the hell am I supposed to do??!
Well at least it's Thursday, right? Only one more day of this crappery to go. Then the all too short weekend. Then of course back to it in full force next week. And the week after. And it never ends. It just continues like this forever and ever until I die. Good times. If all we are left with in the end is memories, then I am pretty much screwed, because I have nothing. Then I wonder, am I the only one feeling this way? Or are so many people caught up in the fallacy of living life at a superficial level? Hmm, still 2 hours to go. I can get through this. I've sat through much worse with nothing to do. I'm prepared. Just one of the perks (is it even a perk) of being me?
Alright, I better keep this here, I've got other stuff to work on.
Joaquin out.