Wednesday, April 27, 2005


Back to the drawing board to think up something new to add to the world. That seems to be my eternal mission for life, sad but true. I am sick and tired of people ripping of other people and making money of their ideas. Well even though if I make something new, it will be ripped off, I would rather be the person being ripped of rather than the person ripping off. I can't sink that low. If I am going to bother doing it then I will do it right. It is no surprise to me that society is going down the drain. People just rip people off left, right, and center. In the schools and universities they emphasise more on plagerism rather than actually stimulating our minds to learn more knowledge. Positive reenforcement is a thing of the past, its all about how to punish someone. It doesn't seem to be working, we see more emphasis on plagerism every year. Time for reform??

This is possibly due to another reason. The reason for education is a little different than what it was a few years ago. As the world is progressing, more jobs are found in the terciary sector, services. Inorder to be good at a job in this sector a form of formal education is required. As more people bother getting education, the bar is rising higher to excell rather than actually learn the information that is handed out to us. It is more about getting the higher grade, getting the degree, who cares how you land up getting that. I think this is the main reason for plagerism and copying to have risen to this extent. I guess the post mordernists are right, knowledge is only worth its utility, it has no emperical value. Sad world we live in. I also believe that teachers and professors have changed their emphasis and method of teaching due to this curcumstance. Is it right is it wrong?? Who am I to judge. Where will this degree of mine take me in life??!!?? I just find it helarious. Take a step back and ponder...

Its late at night, and I have a very early class. I swear classes this early need to be banned. If I am ever the president, I will make sure that classes start later on in the day, screw time for sports, our sleep is much more important. And on another note, stop blaming the fast food franchises for your obisity porblems!!! I will get into that in more detail later on, maybe tommo morning. And tommo night, the other and I plan on taking a short look at the Uni and surgicly disect it, as he will be at my place for the night. For now I am out, got to get some shut eye. Maybe I sould do my lecture from my room tommo, hmm, why bother going all the way there. Why haven't I thought of this before??!!?? Now i'm looking forward to this...
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