Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Bit my tongue, and swallowed the truth...

Popped my pill, went to classes, got tired, and ate a bunch. Looks like my day went as planned. Ahh tommo is the last day of my pill popping days, looks to me like my tonsillitis is far gone. And my meals are back on, so I have to work on putting on some of the weight that I lost back on. This should be fun!!! It’s almost 2 years since I graduated from High School, its weird to think about it, but oh well, it’s been fun.

What’s interesting is femininity and what it really is. Honestly I really don't know how to define it, its a lot of things. And honestly most of the people who bother to publish on the topic are just as confused as I am. They all have some other view to what it actually is. Is it male hate (some of the theorists will make it out to be), is it female supremacy, is it equality?? Now you be the judge of that, but I personally think that they way most of these people are going on about it is just not right. Alright, its true that women have been oppressed in the past, and I completely agree that thats not right. But there is no need for male hate. Firstly, by generalizing they are being no better than the oppressors themselves. Instead of being the victims your are forcing the opposite sex to become the victim, that hardly seems to me to be the way to go. Thats not progression, thats just reform, and a little bit of revenge. Both sexes need to realize that they are just as important in life continuing, and need to respect to each other. By bashing the other side completely all they are straying from what they were fighting for, and now looking at a new horizon, and in this path this will form a cycle of revolt that will never stop. Is it possible for a man to be a feminist?? According to a lot of the theorists its not possible, but I think if we look at femininity in its purest, then there should be no reason why men can't be feminists. Again I stress that feminists have strayed from what they were actually aiming at obtaining. Where this all went wrong is the name. Its not right to call this feminism, it automatically makes it sound as though they are trying to gain female supremacy, where as the whole point is to bring about an equality. They should have named this equalism, or something along that line. The name misguides most. I am completely for the idea that we should have equal rights, and I think we are progressing
close to it. But once someone starts arguing about how the toys we play with becomes the basis of what gender we are, then I say to them, gays and lesbians are not born gay or lesbian, but become that way due to the surrounding that live in (not that I have anything against gays or lesbians). More over, I think its the parents choice as to how they want
their children to turn out, cause as long as they are dependant on the parents, the parents make the decisions for them. What are they going to say next?? Children should not be forced the religious beliefs that the parents have, but asked which one they are more interested in?? Lets not become absurd with our opinions, remember what you have set out to accomplish. Don't distort it to fit you needs.

What even funnier is that I heard what John Howard, the Australian prime minister has as a new policy. They are handing out money to women who decide to stay at home and take care of the children instead of going to work. Even though it should crazy and basphemic in today’s world, I realized that there is not so much wrong with that policy. Yes, its true that it goes against the progress that we seem to have made over the last decade or so. But we need to realize that it is an option, and with it comes a reward. They are trying to encourage women to stay at home, and compensating them by giving them money. They are not force this, but rather influenced into doing so. I personally think that they should not have a policy like this, obviously they are going towards a more conservative approach, and I think that it will hinder our progress. But on the other hands, in a year or two we will see what the women really want, if they do stay at home then, hell whats wrong with this policy??!!?? So in other words, Howard’s government is saying that women should stay at home, and take care or the children who are going to become the labor force of tomorow. So what happenes when the mother is taking care of a girl?? Hehe this policy is just one big mistake!!!

Is everyone aware that there was once a female pope? I know that sounds absurd, but its true. There was a female pope that ruled between 855 to 858 named Pope John Anglicus. As the story goes, she pretended to be a man, and was elected the pope. One day as she was riding in a procession she suddenly went into labor and had a baby. She was stoned and killed on the spot. They later wrote her out of the list of popes and her name is not on the list anymore. Wow, now that is some heavy information, not only was she a woman, but she wasn't virgin as well??!!?? Firstly its not allowed for women to be the pope, its is strictly prohibited by the catholic church. Only now are women allowed to become archbishops. And secondly she was pregnant, so she was not a strict clergy as well. She went against all rules of the church, and yet made it to the top of the high achy. I knew that the Catholics were dumb, but this is just plain stupid ( No offence). How can one not tell a man from a woman, its not like they has plastic surgery then, and on top of that a pregnant one!! ROFL!! I hear the new pope is just too conservative in nature for the modern day. I realized something while reading angels and demons by Dan Brown. Why does the Catholic Church appoint old fossils as their top person, they have no connection with the world that we live in now. Maybe they should look at their laws and make some reform. Maybe the pope should be between 40-50, and after that they are not the pope anymore, I don't know. Or the camerlengo should have more power then they do today, and be more of an advisor rather than a servant.

I hope that was insightful for you people. Hopefully I will have some more interesting material for you people tommo, but for now I must get to the bottom of how to get my residencies office to change the bulb in my table lamp. Cheer, and don't buy into crap.
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