Thursday, March 03, 2005

I Forgot The Title...

All thats going thru my head right now is how tired I am. Completely drained. It sould be illegal to have class at 8:30 in the morning. There is so much that just needs to be made illegal. Like those things that arab women wear, so that you cant see anything but their eyes, they need to banned. God that irritates the hell outta me. Why is it that there are so many things to do at the sametime. Hehe I remember a few months back when there was only onething to do at a time, that too if I was lucky.

Why is it that they cant make clothes that don't bleed?? It would make life so much easier if I could wash colored colthes and white clothes at the sametime. Course not, coz that would make our lives a lot simpler. And thats a major no no. Speaking of color, green has taken over my room. I look around and I see too much green. I don't even like green. It just so happens that I really like green apples and my shampoo bottles are all green, so there is just way too much green around. Normally anything blue just catches my eye. I was sitting with a friend of mind on campus this afternoon, and he says that everywhere he looks he just sees pink. That got me thinking. Its not that its everywhere, its just that it sticks out so much, that you seem to just focus on it for a few seconds. This is why so many people wear pink, just to grab your attention. And guys wearing pink, *shakes his head* is so wrong. Someday I will get the other a pink tank top...

And a general note, people need to be less self centered. Everyone is just way to wrapped up in their own things, and often forget about the rest. Hello, we live in the same society and we just have to learn to get along. No aparent reason for this outbreak, just a thought...
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