Had a slack night last night which is going to bite me today. All I gotta do is make time to read. Just nothing else. Read for the entire day and I will be ok. Just get it done. At least I got some good guitaring in! Didn't sleep early though, which made getting up even earlier a real pain. But I'm with the program. I'm functioning.
Again it's me! Why! How could this be happening? I've had enough of it already. It's not good when you walk out of the shower and wonder if you've used the soap. Maybe it's indicative of things getting much worse further down the track. Gosh I'm not looking forward to that. What a burden! I can't live like that. I'm just so forgetful these days. Hey, I'm so forgetful.
So we're in mid December. That means Christmas time and the extravagant displays of consumerism and greed. Christmas used to be about giving to the less fortunate, now it's all about acquiring more stuff we don't need. It's so far removed from my new concept of minimalism that it makes me ill (not that I celebrate Christmas anyway). What we see is more about creating a selfish concept, or even a protectionist one. So if you're not concerned with what you're getting or what you get for yourself, you think you are absolved by getting things for family and friends. They are people like you, who have an existing relationship with you. Most likely they're not less fortunate, they're not needy people who require help. The meaning of the season has been hijacked my corporate interests and the economy. It's not right.
Hmm Microsoft Office 365 isn't bad at all! Who would have guessed they would get something right?? I'm getting by. Though I don't want to. I think I'm in better shape than I thought I was? The world changes, or does it stay the same? What moves forward must move back.
Ahh all of a sudden there's too many things to do. But that's the story of my life. What would you even write in a story of my life? Nothing. Or else you'd write a trillion words of repetition. Then just throw it in a fire. Cause that's just it.
Thank god for wikipedia, it answers all my questions. Cash all your cheques buddy! There's violence afoot! At least today is a shorter day than usual. It'll be nice.
Forgotten about me already, did you? Looks like we won't crack 200 posts this year, but that's okay. Things have just been slowing down on this front in general. Not that it's going to stop. I don't think it ever will, well at least for the foreseeable future.
Ahh just 2 hours to go! I have a lot to get done!!
Joaquin out.