Thursday, May 15, 2014

Starving For Food For Thought

There's still plenty to think about in this day and age.  I just need stimulation.  Gotta stop being so lazy and just roll with it.  Sometimes it's all just a bit too much to take.  You can't turn off the mind, no matter how hard you try.  Or at least I can't.  That's just something I'm not equipped to do.  Life is all about things just being taken from me.  Gradually, in a slow turn of events.  Not slow enough that I don't realise it, but slow enough so I can see it coming, feel it and be defeated by it.  We need more ideas, something to get us out of the rut we're in.

But can I contribute?  Do I have anything to add?  Is there no value in anything that I say.  This connection isn't just biomechanical, or at least I hope not.  Because there's nothing metaphysical in that.  Is there any analysis?  Does it all fall on me?  Is it even about me or someone else?  There are just so many questions.  Is there anything for it?  Just leg it and see how it goes, I suppose.  But the be all and end all is what can happen over the space of a week.  Time changes people.  Not enough I'm afraid. 

Okay, I've finished all the work I had set for today.  Just going to sit here and blog nicely.  It's all connected isn't it?  Don't touch my social media!  I don't have anything to add. 

Joaquin out.
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