I've just found out a really odd fact. Apparently Toyota programs its firmware into its stereo so that you can't access the Bluetooth menu while the car is in motion. Even if the passenger is the one who is fiddling with the setup! Isn't that a really weird thing to do? I can understand if it's solo cause they don't want people to have accidents, but the car is smart enough to realise that there is another person sitting next to the driver, so does it not realise that perhaps maybe the other person is the one touching the stereo? And I thought the idea of the nanny state was bad, it's turning into nanny companies!
I'm in a relatively zombie mood today. Made a less than stellar return to the gym this morning after about a month off, and wow, I was near death. I went down in tempo because I knew I wouldn't last, but even then, it was an absolute struggle. Was on the verge of giving up and passing out, but I am here. Let's see how tomorrow goes with weights, but I will also dial that one down. I'll keep it like this until Thursday, and then I'll ratchet back up for Friday and Saturday. Time to get some fitness back. Holidays, injuries and laziness have gotten the better of me lately. Gotta change all that.
24 hours in a day. How many minutes? How many seconds? Where is all that time going? What's going into every moment? I'm left in the dark. Left out in the lurch. Something really weird is going on. Can I get to the bottom of it? Everything in whispered hushed tones, vagueness as always. Left to guess.
The other raised an excellent point a while back that society is now defining people as consumers and not thinkers. I'm inclined to agree with that. Think about who we are as a society, and how people are essentially brought up to believe that consuming and showing off their consumables is the only key to happiness. We go to school not to learn, but to get fancy pieces of paper so that future employers can be impressed. Then we spend so much of our lives trying to pay back the loans for that piece of paper, and then we earn money to do things like buy houses, clothes, electronics, cars. Then you retire, and potentially only really live at that moment, if you're lucky to live that long and have saved up some money. And then you're dead. It's all about consuming. Never reflecting or thinking, and I think that's what's missing from most people's lives. You have to have that element in order to be happy.
I was reading that most of the younger millionaires are all salespeople. Well surprise, surprise. I don't understand this world. These are sales people! They move products to people to part with their money and earn commission. That's not right. There's no skill or innovation or talent in what they do. They are leeching off the people who actually do the hard work. The smart money would be to remove all sales people and just bypass third parties directly to other people. That's a better way to work things.
I was reading today that Sartre believed that the self is defined by other people. If you existed in a vacuum, you wouldn't really have understanding of what you are. Your understanding of who you are is relational to how other people interact with you, and who your friends are. Who strangers are and so on. There is no concept of the self without these interactions. Then what is death? Death is a solitary activity. If there is something after that, it would also be solitary would it not? Maybe that's all death is, the experience of of breaking down the self because there are no interactions anymore, and you become something other than the self. There was a great idea about death and how children viewed it on the second last Family Guy that just aired. Stewie came to a very good realisation. But the athiest view of things makes me incredibly uncomfortable, because it detracts from responsibility to help people from other nations who are really struggling. There's a lot of injustice in the world, but you want to focus on having a good life for yourself. That's something that doesn't sit right with me.
I was also reading that there is a separation of the consciousness from reality. There's always something that actually keeps the real you distinct from the world outside. Where you don't really engage with things. It all strikes me as being food for thought that everything is really just a massive hoax. This isn't reality. It's all just faults in how our brains operate and get fooled so easily. None of this is real. It's as binary as these very words in front of you.
I've changed my phone over to a 4s, and it's running very nicely, especially with an update to iOs 7, being 7.1 It'll do me nicely until I decide on what phone I want to use later on. Is hope exciting? Because it's crushing to me.
Let's just finish up this day.
Joaquin out.