We're creeping up on 600 posts on this blog, which is a massive achievement, especially since we had a few mediocre years back there, but no longer! As you can tell, I am back to blogging with a vengeance, and hopefully the other should be joining me soon.
I went to the Paris exhibition at the National Gallery today. It was very good, and the pieces were well chosen. However, the planning of the entire exhibition was just a shambles I have to say. Impressionist paintings such artists such as Cezanne and Van Gogh are not meant to be mere centimetres away from other paintings in tiny spaces. The whole idea behind them is that they're meant to be analysed from far away, from various angles and so on. That brings me to my next point, there were far too many people let in at the one time. It really impacts on the enjoyment of the pieces! So think about it National Gallery, more space for fantastic paintings, and less people - hell we may not even complain about the exorbitant entry prices if the service is great!
It also drew my attention to the fake "artiste" types that think they're crash hot and just want to call absolutely everything "art". That's not how I roll! Put your berets and cigarette holders away people, get some talent and do something about it! It's not just about being critical on things you have absolutely no eye for judgement on.
One of my biggest pet hates has to be people breaking strings on my guitar! People try to tune to notes when they do not have the experience or a reference note or tuner, and they don't care for the strings. You can't just tune up high or down low and start playing straight away. You have to tune to a point just before and just let it stretch out, then let it settle, re-tune and then play it in. This will increase the life of your strings. What I hate especially is that all the strings tend to break JUST near the head, so I'm losing money on purchasing a complete new set of guitar strings just cause the string is a few millimetres short of gaining enough leverage to be inserted into the tuning nut.
Had an interesting few days near the end of the working week. On Thursday night I went to bed rather late, then in the morning my dad comes in and asks "are you going to work" and I'm like "well yes" and he goes "well it's 8 o'clock" and I'm all WTF! I turn to my alarm clock and it is 8am! I am late as hell. I don't know what happened, cause I swear I set the alarm, and I don't remember for the life of me turning it off at 7:20am. Regardless, I felt fine. Then that night, I just passed out at 9:30pm until 12:30am. Then I slept from 12:45am-11:30am! How weird?? It felt like I was dead or on a bender! I guess my age is catching up with me, as is my waistline as of recent findings *sigh*! Haha I'm getting old.
I pulled the absolute flukiest fluke ever the other day. My workmate got a security warning for accidentally leaving her secure keys on her desk when she went home. She had to write e-mails to the boss' boss' boss' boss! That's how major it was. Then the next day I did the same thing! However, I think someone must have missed it, cause I didn't get pinged! I was sooo happy, and damn lucky. You can bet your ass I'm never gonna be that stupid or forgetful again!
You know what the difference is between the public sector and the private sector? Reports! Everything in the public sector needs to be reported on. Every week my inbox (and time) is wasted on reading reports or having input to some report. Why can't these things be automated?! Why are there so damn many? I'd have to say that at least 70% of my working week is devoted to reports. It also gets silly, there's reports (fair enough), reports of the reports (ummm) reports of the reports of the reports of the reports (crazy)! No wonder the public hates us, we have no time to do any real work!
I'm not sure if I ever mentioned this before, but I have to say my favourite car is definitely the Dodge Viper (GTS-R or RT/10). I just love that absolute classic car. I guess it stems back to that old 90's show called Viper where the car featured and was damn awesome. I loved it so much, I made it my car of choice in all my Gran Turismo games. Drives like a mofo, but damn it goes fast, and I have quick reflexes! I was looking up the history of it on wiki the other day, the first generation was good, the second even GREATER. But the 3rd generation and afterwards does not really capture my imagination. Sure it's faster and handles better, but it just looks odd to me, it's lost it's pizazz or x-factor that made it so unique in the first place.
Speaking of fast, I had a classic moment the other day where I was driving along a street which has a speed limit of 60km/h. So I was driving casually, when I noticed there was a speed camera hidden up ahead on the traffic island. I checked my speed and saw everything was fine, so I kept going. However, in the lane to my right some doofus just flew right by, RIGHT into the path of the speed camera and he SLAMMED his brakes on hard and I was laughing my ass off. BUSTED, BABY! Hahaha it was wonderful. I love it when people get pwned like that. That's what you get for speeding. Too many people speed, and too many people suffer from road rage in this city.
I've been driving MY car lately and damn, it has been a while. It doesn't go like it used to, and the handling/steering is a bit whacky. But damn, it's drivable, and it gets me from Point a to Point B, that's all I need really!
I actually had a fairly decent sized list of blog notes, but I think I'll save those up for tomorrow night's installment. Have a nice day folks. Joaquin out.