Holy moly, I'm still in shock about reading the news yesterday. I won't name the guy, because it will probably lead to a defamation case, but yes, I did meet him several years ago at a wedding. He was a well-to-do lawyer who had worked on a number of high profile refugee and immigration cases. He was very nice and charming, and was very supportive and enthusiastic about my legal aspirations. I thought that was pretty cool, but something about him didn't sit quite right with me. He was with a companion who he obviously exercised extreme control over, and they were acting very strangely the whole evening. What I don't get is how his firm didn't realise what he was up to, or how he conducted himself in his personal life, I mean it was out there in the open for the world to see. I'm just appalled, but like I said yesterday, I'm not all that surprised.
Read about an academically gifted kid who died after a reaction to LSD. The parents were apparently quite shocked about how he came to be in possession of it. I'd like to point out at this stage that most parents don't really don't know their kids! Even parents who think they know everything, I ask them to consider when they were teenagers or young adults, and all the things they snuck around their parents back. Exactly! It's all cyclical.
God it's absolutely insane at work! In the space of 2 weeks, everything has just become nuts in terms of workload. But what's stranger is that I'm not panicked about it, in fact I'm not even remotely stressed. I'm stressed about other stuff, but that's all par the course. I've put up with that for many years now. From the shadows!
No, it couldn't be. It couldn't possibly be. No, the pieces don't fit. My eyes deceive me. I should be out and about, maybe even by the water. The fountain is so beautiful. I still think it is, despite the fact I watched someone almost die there. I had my chance yesterday and I squandered it being in the wrong place at the wrong time, much to the chagrin of all those around me. Hmmm, I wonder what's on tonight's agenda.
Just added a stack of games to my wishlist on Steam, and have started on a number of downloads for demos, just to see how things are. Glad my ISP doesn't count those downloads as metred content!
Probably a small one today, just cause of the sheer amount of work I have to do, but that's ok.
Unsurety. Unknowingness. Prefix-un. Un-suffix.
Will I ever be happy? Or am I forever doomed to be the "grass is always greener" sort of guy?
FUCK! I had my chance today. AND I KNEW IT. I SAW IT COMING, and I could have done something about it. But no, I could not due to responsibility and obligation. What a load of absolute bullshit. It shouldn't be like this. I hate my life. I truly do. I need out.
That's it for today. Take care, folks.
Joaquin out.