So fucking divorced from reality and consciousness right now. I am so sleepy. But I will struggle and persevere through it all. I'll get there. Nobody has my motivation, nobody has my drive.
Why was I so concerned that a friend of yours had purchased you a star in your name? I can't believe I was so jealous, because after all the great and expensive things I had gotten you, I was terrified that it would outdo all my efforts. Then I realised that those things aren't legitimate. You don't officially get the star named after you. It's just a cheap $20 gesture that is meaningless. Why was I so pent up about it?
Still searching for answers among it all. One better think of the questions quickly though.
Things were busy this morning, but they've seemed to quiet down now, but I do not have anything to write about, again!!
Oh goddamn! It's only 2pm! How am I going to make it another 3 hours?? Not possible in the current state that I'm in.
I'm really concerned about the state of journalism these days. Sites like and are horrible in terms of fact checking and editing their work. It's all very amateurish in terms of concept and execution. I don't even need to provide examples, just go to those sites and read what passes for news, and how it's communicated.
Bah, was just bumming around on wikipedia and youtube, and found that only one hour has gone! It felt like 2 hours. Well, at least there's only 2 more hours to get through.
I'd like to string some coherent thoughts together, but I'm just too damned tired. Gotta make it through 3 more days of this crap before I can get a rest. I don't even get any weekend respite because we're traveling.
Yeah, I've got work to do, I know. And I'll get to it eventually.
I think I'm unstoppable at Counter Strike GO now. Nobody can stop me! I win most of the times, and the times that I don't, I podium!
Alright, 45 mins to go before I'm outta here! Think some chips and biscuits are on my horizon.
Exercise is probably linked to my mood.
Ok, I think I've got my second wind. Hahha, after that distraction (yes, wikipedia again), let's try something a little controversial.
Let's talk about the sexy son hypothesis. Basically, it's a theory where women are attracted to genetically superior guys, in the hopes that a good looking son can be had, so that both sets of genes can pass on to the next generation ad infinitum. Ok, that sounds about right. But let's take it a step further. Let's just say this 'sexy son' turns out to be a raving douchebag and becomes a rapist when he's older. Does the mother's acknowledgement of the sexy son scenario overcome any link she may feel to women in general, who may be hurt by his actions? I guess the key question I'm asking here is whether the maternal bond is stronger than the feminine bond? Now that's something to think about! Because if you ask around, I'm sure mothers would say it's the strongest urge they've ever felt, and as such, any sense of other empathy with the victims of his crime etc. may not be there. Humans are interesting creatures. Anyway, that's just something to ponder on.
What do I look like now, compared to what I looked like then? If only there were pictures of me from either period.
Sadly, didn't get to play much guitar last night, but I'll make sure I hit it up with great vengeance tonight. It's nice to be good at something. Just wish I was better in terms of music theory and composition. That's stuff that can come in time anyway.
Well at least there was some intellectual conversation this time around.
Joaquin out.