Read today that a hacking group called GNAA hacked tumblr by unleashing a worm that posts profanity on people's tumblr's and then replicates on other people's walls who read the post. The reasoning for the attack was apparently they believe that the majority of what's posted and reblogged on there to be mostly worthless. And you know what? They're probably right! Most if it is just cat gifs and jokes. Good on GNAA, we should probably stop focusing on the lowbrow filth and look at major issues that impact us all, or even instances of injustice that nobody ever reads about or cares about, due to them laughing at angry cat. Before you call me a hypocrite, I do follow alternative news sites on tumblr (in addition to people who post angry cat memes, haha)!
Don't know if I've been impacted by the worm, or whether anyone I follow (60+ people) was impacted by it, as I can't check tumblr till I get home. What's more is that I actually write theses posts before I check tumblr, but I actually post them after, so it should be interesting!
So, tell me. Did I destroy my own appeal? Cause I'm pretty sure I did that with your all too willing hands.
I'm also interested as to whether I can go for the entire life of this blog without ever repeating a subject title. Surely I already have? Haha, I don't even know how I could check this without doing it all by hand through the search function on the site.
Sort of stalled with the blog intro/retrospective, still in March 2010. But that's probably due to hitting up counter-strike GO during weekdays, which is a very bad idea! An hour just disappears into thin air like that. But I'll move back to my concept of no games during weekdays and continue reading, that's how I like it.
Busy day today with work, but that's cool. Rather that than being bored.
Gah, I'm still super tired today, I don't know what it is. I could do with more rest.
Maybe it had nothing to do with me. Or more than likely, it did. Nothing to say to me anyway.
Hmmm, I shouldn't have left my old area. It would have afforded me opportunities. To get what I want at least, or even made sure none of this would have happened in the first place. How blind could you be? Then again, you weren't really the most observant person.
Mmmm just had a delicious lemon cookie. Hahaha, I'm reminded of Morgan Freeman's narration from family guy. Hahaha, still laughing about it.
Ok, only an hour until quitting time, I can do this!
No games tonight! Just relaxing and having a good time. Some guitarage, too. Trying to get the other back into it, but he has been lost to the evil demon that is coding and learning!
I've learned all I can, I think. Now it's just a matter of putting it all into action.
Ok, so we've resolved to take off a large chunk of time in January-February of next year. I'm looking forward to it, now it's just a matter of finding out what we can do as a holiday.
Now I don't know what's happening. Oh, I suppose there are ways to find out.
That's it for now folks.
Joaquin out.