Sunday, September 02, 2012

Inception Going On Over Here

What the hell?

I have slept a total of 24 hour this weekend.  6 hours at night, a further 6 hours in the day, for both days!  Wow!  Haven't done that in a while, just hope it doesn't mess me up for the week ahead.

Didn't realise I was so tired.

Though I think it was pretty bad sleep, cause I woke up with a headache numerous times, and I was struggling to see in colour as soon as I woke up.  Maybe I was slowly running out of oxygen?

Either way, it was a total inception like thing where I felt like I was out longer than I was.

Is it just a mistake of technology?  Who knows.  I'm hoping it was wrong, otherwise there could have been something I could have done about it.  There's still more time left.  Who even knows what next weekend brings?

Motor Ace comes to mind at a time like this.

Guitar time.

Oh yes, Metal Storm on the iPhone is easily the best game I've ever played on it!  It's right up there with Ace Combat 3 in terms of fun and excitement!  Super hard, too, I like it.  Highly recommended.

Joaquin out.
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