Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Quick one cause I wanna play some guitar!

I haven't played in a while and I'm worried it's going to appear all foreign again.

Just watched In Bruges. Bloody brilliant! Almost as good as Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. Black comedies are the best.

I drew her to me. I knew reading those old e-mails was a mistake. She was in my mind. And then I saw her. She saw me. I'd never felt so sick before. I just wanted to run over and just yell at her for being treated so poorly. But that was it, not a word, no acknowledgement. Just a quick glance, and hopefully I'll never see her again in my entire life. Those who talk of "The Gift" may have been on to something.

Those of you may be wondering from several posts what the JRL is. This is the Joaquin Rate List. Some time in December 2004, I decided to embark on a definitive list of all the women I find attractive. It wasn't about a "conquering" list or what not. My idea of beauty just seems to be very different to everyone else's so I thought my list would be a good indicator. The list shall be updated shortly, with links.

Uni starting next week and I am incredibly nervous now. I just had a look at the outline, and there is a lot of pre-course work to do. I WILL GET IT DONE! I will be the best. Just watch me.

Joaquin out.
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