Monday, March 29, 2010

I just need an in

Sometimes I wonder if everyone in the world feels the same way. Do we all feel as though we haven't accomplished enough? Or that there is this mountain that we are always trying to climb. There is so much to see, so much to do. Is there anyone who is purely satisfied? I hope that someday this feeling will become less dominant, maybe something can take its place that makes it alright that all this other stuff is missing...

Some people say they are happy doing what they are doing. Is this because they are truly happy, or is that their excuse for not trying to achieve more? Do we all learn to settle in life? Sure, life is not that bad, it could be a whole lot worse. But on the same note, it could be so much better. I could be doing something that I would live to get up and do everyday. Everyday wouldn't be a struggle but a step closer to where I would like to be tomorrow? I hope someday that will be possible.

Someone said "sure, everyone wishes they were someone famous and had all the money in the world." I think they missed my point. I wasn't hoping for any of that. I just want to do something that I truly want to do. Not just get things for free, I want to make it happen. I just need an in...

About a year ago, there was a brief period where I considered moving to a Mac instead of a PC. Then I saw Windows 7 and didn't rethink that motion. From that point onwards, I've really started to dislike Apple as a company and the things they produce. My phone is still an iPhone though, but that will change when my contract runs out. What makes the iPhone awesome are the apps that people have developed for their platform and not the phone itself. The slow Wi-Fi is a real pain in the ass. Apple have become what Microsoft used to be in the 90s, except they are probably more shamelessly closed.

I read on another blog today that caught my attention. The ridiculously high price that Apple charge for their already outdated hardware just goes to show that they think their consumers are idiots. Which I guess they are. I'm sure the iPad will be a great success and they will sell a millions of them. But I think a lot of you will be wishing that you waited a while before you bought one, because I'm so sure that we are going to a lot of tablets come out that can all do a lot more than the iPad can...

I know how to do a lot of things on a computer, a lot of which a normal user would not be able to do. A lot of this is because of the "issues" that windows have had over the years. It got me digging into things that a typical Mac user would never try to mess with. And with every little bit, I learned a whole lot of other bits. This all adds up over the years. Sometimes, I'm glad that I've had so many issues in the past. They have taught me some really good lessons...

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