Monday, March 15, 2010

The Importance Of Being A Blogger

Papercuts are annoying as it is. However, when they are bloodless, they are a royal pain in the ass. Without the blood, it's difficult for the wound to cauterise naturally, and it just stays split and painful for a while.

Cranberry juice = crantastic. 2nd best juice of all time. Of course, nothing will beat the classic; OJ.

What's funny about the public service is the need to change passwords all the time. I remember in my last job, I only changed it once. However, here it needs to be changed every quarter. This would not be an issue if I could keep changing between passwords. However, it won't let you use the same 5 passwords in the history. Therefore, you gotta keep thinking up new ones! It's impossible I tell you! I only use 2 passwords in my non working life, so to come up with all these is a bitch for the computer. Then there's the other stuff, credit card acquittals, travel etc, and it just becomes a riot.

There's a house for sale across the street. That house is for sale every few years! I wonder what the deal is with that? It was bad a few years ago (as I'm sure I've blogged), a rowdy young group was in there and they were partying almost every night and became a pain in the ass. Here's to some naive pensioners purchasing their dream home!

I am a big fan of our work intranet as it has a classifieds section in it. I am honestly amazed at the amount of shit that people can amass in a lifetime. This doesn't just mean people in the Department, it means everyone. I for one am sick to death of that shit, if it has no practical use to me for a very long time, I don't see the point in it. I would like to live my life as simple and as efficiently (and as cheaply as possible). How much money have these people wasted on these endeavours?

I saw on the news this morning that Queensland is thinking of reducing their blood alcohol limit to .02. On the face of it, it seems like a good idea - they have many road deaths. However, I think it is pointless. The .05 limit currently in place is a fair system, but the thing is, if people want to break the law, they will. They'll get drunk and they'll keep driving, it doesn't matter if the limit is .02 or .10, or even zero tolerance, there will still be tossers on the road killing people.

I just realised that I have not seen Desperate Housewives in years. How I have missed Eva Longoria! Oh well, I'll just download it.

I don't know why, but I believe I've been self-censoring myself on here. Enough of that bullshit. I'll say what I want. I don't care who you are.

The mornings are brutal. It is honestly just too cold for this shit. I don't mind getting out of bed, it's getting out of my toasty hot shower that is a pain in the ass. I'm tired too, which is strange, cause I get more sleep than I used to.

Despite all the hype, Formula 1 was quite lacklustre. However, it is good to have Schumacher back. He'll need a bit of time to get back on top of his game. We just need Kimi back and then all is well!

I am going back to University next week for Post-grad legal studies. This is going to be interesting. I'm sure everyone will look very young, and I'll look like a lecherous old bastard. Why the fuck am I doing this? I remember CLEARLY hating uni. Hopefully I can get my act together and start taking things in and just focusing!! I remember fighting the urge when I was bored at uni to just drift off. I had to force myself to concentrate and I understood things well. I was on top of my game damn it. Now I don't remember a damn thing!! Fuck it, I won't have any problems - I will succeed. Hey, I'm smarter than most people anyway!

Since this workplace is a lot more relaxed, I have not worn a tie in months. I only wear it when I have meetings. It's damn comfortable! I also feel like a CEO! Haha, but of course nobody else shares my sentiments, I just look like a young unkempt mofo!

Lately my mouth has been tasting like blood. What the hell is with that??

That's it, I resolve to get more sleep! No more post midnight days!! Only when 30 rock is on and Family Guy, shall I stay up. Lucky tonight is a 30 rock night right?

I remember many months ago blogging about a girl with the bluest eyes I've ever seen. I found her, I know who she is now. Goddamn, let's not mention her again!

Haha, I remember I used to have classic client meetings in my old job. Idiots, guys with hot wives. Hot clients. Taking notes. Getting asked random questions. Being put on the spot by Managers and Partners. Damn, those were the days! I don't get to talk to anyone anymore, which is kind of ok. It leaves me to my own devices. However, I keep my mouth shut for so long at work, it's difficult to talk when I have to or need to! Stumbelina!

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Reading over these old e-mails is difficult. People, my friends. My good friends. My best friends. They trusted me with so much. I remember when I was just getting to know some of them, we just traded a few friendly e-mails here and there and then blam, out of nowhere, they would just bleed the contents of their private lives there for me. It was mutual. It was grand. These were the most sacred of secrets. I put this down to the frailty of youth, and striving to be accepted, and finding someone who was similar to you. That gets me thinking, was I ever like that? Was I emotionally fragile? Or was I always a thoughtless bastard?

Regardless, everyone grows up. You lose touch. Then you just stop giving a fuck about people once they stop giving a fuck about you.

Such is life.

That's it for today folks. Have a nice day! Joaquin out! I think we're closing in on the 2007 lowest post record! I can't wait to hit that baby out of the park (well in reality leave it where it is)!
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