Sunday, June 15, 2008

'Tis A Loveable Fiend

Or is it? It's already Sunday night and it's time for another week of work. Is this how it's going to be? Just pure drudgery for a brief blur of "recreation"? I spend so much of that time doing chores that it's really just pointless.

Getting a computer was downright one of the stupidest things I've ever done. There was the massive dent in my bank account and now not only do I have less time to get chores done, I am just procrastinating like I'm back at university.

I don't even get time to play games anymore! I miss my Medieval 2 Total War! Playing on full specs on this "death star" is superb. Huge armies, full detail, no slowdown, it's sheer awesomeness. But alas I have not had any time to play which sucks.

I've been getting back into the X-Box, as my brother has showed me how to use the system's harddrive, which has a LOT of games on it. Ninja Gaiden is brilliant - tough but fun and makes you think, that's how games should be. Also been getting into Madden 2004. The other will remember long nights at my house where we'd play till we died. It's such a great multiplayer game.

I also should be seeing the other next week as long as my schedule clears up, which should be good. Should be able to get SOME gameage in, since I will of course be working.

Ahh the Xbox hard drive, why hasn't gaming been done like that before? It's such an innovative idea, I can't believe it's taken so long to come into fruition. I just read a review for Metal Gear Solid 4, and it sounds too good to be true. I might have to fork out (eventually, after several price drops) for a PS3, with Grand Theft Auto 4 and MGS4. Hopefully they'll make their way on to PC soon enough. Anyway, that's enough talk about gameage.

I watched Snatch last night, which is an absolutely fantastic movie. The other will remember how we watched it at T-Man's house many years ago and I just loved it. Those were the days. No cares, no responsibilities. Every worry we had was purely superficial, especially when compared to the real world of today. Oh well.

I'm freezing my ass off and I still need to shower before bed. Try to come up with more interesting stuff later in the week. Have a nice day folks!
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