Indeed it does. Or it could be that my assessment is over and I am off until exams (23rd and 24th)! Of course I'll have to start the hardcore studying sometime late next week, but I'll still find time to post even in the middle of my 12 hour a day study sessions. It's good to be back though let me say!
This last month was evil, the other and I have been imprisoned by uni work out of nowhere and we have worked hard to get it all done. So what have I been up to over the last few weeks?
Not a lot really...
I saw Hitchiker's Guide To The Galaxy and it was just a riot of a film. I haven't read the books so I didn't know what to expect, but it was still great none the less. How awesome is Marvin?! I want to get a little stuffed toy of him, he's so cute!!
Had to visit Sydney the other day for a family thingy and it was nuts. We were meant to go by train but there were mechanical faults so we had to take the bus for a bloody 4 hour drive there AND back the next day! I only took one CD with me! I swear I can play John Mayer's entire catalogue by ear now! Stayed in a 5 star hotel right on Bondi beach and it was fabulous. What is it about Sydney? Everyone is just a hell of a lot better looking! Even the sluts and hoes are a lot better looking than they are here!
I'd just like to say that my uni admin sucks. It's the worst in the world I tell you! One teacher lost my essay so I had to resubmit it and then another teacher wouldn't reply to my e-mails so I had to go and see him in order to do my oral exam! Luckily it was all taken care of in less than 20 mins today.
My father schooled me the other day. After a Wednesday in class we were driving somewhere and he was explaining something about economics and I tuned out cause I don't understand a damn thing about the subject and he asked me if I knew who a famous economist was and I didn't. So I thought I'd nail him and ask him who HLA Hart was...and he knew!!!! Ouch! Haha my mouth was actually wide open in disbelief at being schooled in such a humiliating fashion.
You know what I believe? That 1982 was the year of the hotties (just check out the rate list and see how many of them were born in that year)! And 1984 was the year of the greats. The other and I are prime examples thank you very much! George Orwell knew he was on to a good thing.
In light of that Sydney escapade I had to get a haircut and also cut my nails. My guitar work is fabulous, thank you very much! And I also look presentable to boot. But why does my hair have to look so awesome fresh out of the shower and then go back to being dodgy right after?! My hair is too short to gel or style properly! But out of the shower I look quite delish, if only there was something that could be done.
Dr Who!!! I never watched a single ep and then I saw a promo of the new series and was just totally blown away by Billie Piper! SHE IS BEAUTIFUL OH MY GOD! Too bad she leaves after season 2!! That really sucks cause I think the show is awesome, but I don't know if I'll watch it sans Miss Piper. Here's a quick rhyme, Billie Piper Billie Piper, oh how I really like ya. Haha me so lame.
I also bought a new mobile phone in light of my old Nokia's death (RIP buddy). I've switched to an LG of some sort and I am still trying to figure out how to do everything. It's so bloody complicated! Life ain't Good, life is COMPLICATED! I thought I was with it, but kids these days sheesh, I feel like an elderly person every time I try to operate my phone, it's not cool!
I have something to admit. I'm an addict. Nope, not illicit drugs. TINY TEDDYS! The chocolate ones! Damn them to hell. I sometimes eat half a pack out of nowhere for no good reason! Damn I also feel like some right now but I shall hold off.
Parental units are leaving for a month long overseas trip in a few days. My plans are to dance around to 80's Madonna songs (Get Into The Groove is currently the fave), eat a lot, play some games, see a LOT of les femme anomaly, watch a LOT of tv programs and also exercise so I am not a total couch potato.
Not exercising is bad, because you lose some muscle tone and what's left becomes wiry and you get a lil flexible, in fact the other day I was flinging about a soccer ball and I managed to heel myself in the testicles! I didn't know it was possible!
My wisdom teeth are sprouting now and it's not cool! They hurt so much, but they aren't coming in crooked so it's all good.
How good are these Prime shows?! Lost and Desperate Housewives are just the shite I tells you! AND HOW AWESOME WAS IT TO HAVE MARLA SOKOLOFF GUEST STARRING FOR A FEW EPISODES?! OH MAN! Unfortunately she left, but damn she is HOT. Too bad that it didn't live up to expectations, there should have been a threesome with her, Eva Longoria and I! That's where the ratings are my friends.
I always have these problems with essays at university. Luckily I was doing 3 law units this semester and my journo class was a practical one. So I only had to write one essay and the rest were problem solving questions or litigant advice. But damn, plagiarism is a big issue at university and they say you should cite everything. But when you make a statement, you could NOT have possibly gotten to it without citing another book! Therefore in a 2000 word essay, I had 40 separate citations! It's ridiculous. That brings me to my next topic of semester 2's timetable!! IT SUCKS! 2 morning classes in 2 days!! AND A BLOODY 8:30 CLASS AGAIN! I would be so very pissed off if I wasn't being reunited with my old Communications buddies!
There is a college residence on campus that has a reputation for being full of party animals, and in light of recent events, I can say that those claims are factual. Why? The other and I were walking back from our weekly Oportos goodness last week and this girl was getting changed with her bloody window open on STREET level, right next to a public walkway!!! In hindsight I should have just gone up to the window and screamed "what the hell are you doing" or propositioned her! But shite, this world is insane! Well it's going to get more insane with my post for tomorrow, but for now I'm breaking here! Good day folks!
OH OH OH! Boston Legal is on now!! HOW GOOD IS IT TO SEE JAMES SPADER/ALAN SHORE BACK ON OUR SCREENS?! And Monica Potter is also on!! AND SO IS RHONA MITRA! Excuse me while I go and drool..or tape The X-Files. One or the other...hehe!