Tuesday, March 11, 2008

A tank of gas is a treasure to me...

Well, first off I wanna apologize for my absence. Not like anybody cares much... yet. :P I was writing the blog about MJK, but the whole thing just seemed so... cliche somehow. Confused the fuck outta me. The other problem is that I am totally devoid of any inspiration whatsoever. Life is sort of shoving pitchforks up my ass for the time being, and I can't say I'm liking it one bit.

House arrest has to be the gayest possible way to keep a person from fucking up. Ironically, though, it's working pretty well. I've been sober for 4 months now, and I have only my family to thank. But the constant nagging and "can't meet your friends" shit is really getting to me. I was supposed to meet this Wiccan friend of mine yesterday, but sadly, the only place I can meet her is where my sister works. She's a teacher in this Australian school and I'm a volunteer there thanks to her. So I asked her if my friend could come meet me there. Bad move. She starts this "tantrum" and yells at me going, "What type of girl would come all the way here just to meet someone she doesn't even know?!". Well, I guess she would've agreed if I told her the girl was a lesbian who's tougher than most guys and is deeply into Wiccan magic and voodoo shit. Heh. Probably would've just hurled a fucking basin at me or something. :P

So yeah, I think you can guess how fucking sad my life is. I just hope I can get my ass outta this country soon.

I've been picking up a lot of songs lately. (Finally learned how to read tabs. :P) Just last night I picked up "Apple Shampoo" and this cool version of "Cat Like Thief" by Boxcar Racer. Although, while playing and singing those songs last night, I realized just how much I miss Blink-182. The new AVA songs are so fucking BAD!! Tom Delonge is dead to me, and I agree with the other. He's a fucking git for choosing fame over friendship. I hate what he has become. "A coward" the other called him. And the saddest fact is, he's doing pretty good for himself. *sigh* Just wish it didn't have to end the way it did.

(On a funnier note)
I was talking with a friend of mine online a couple of days ago and he said something that made me laugh so hard, I choked on my pizza. A friend of his (and mine) recently got into this college in Maryland. He's majoring in economics and minoring in "The history of rock 'n roll" (or might be the other way around, but that's not the point). So my friend says, "... they show him Hendrix videos and he's like 'YAAAH JEEEEEEMEE HAANDREEEK!!'" hahahahahahaha!! You might not find this remotely funny, but trust me, if you ever meet the guy, you'll understand. :P

Well I guess that's it for now. Heh, I just hope I have the energy to blog tomorrow. 'Til then, adios amigos.
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