Monday, October 09, 2006

Supreme Lifestyle, The One I Used To Hate...

Another year, and another disappointment. Oh well, shumacher definately had a good career, that jackass spaniard better appriciate it, no credit to him. A little angry, a little disappointed. Once race to go till his career is over, and I guess not everything has its fairy tail ending...

I've come to decide that when it rains it pours. Things are not going as planned at the moment, but what can you do, there is only so much that you have control over. Life has its tendency to push you to your limits. I'm driving a 300kmph and holding my head high, at some point I should reach race speeds...

Anticipation is the root of all disappointment, well said by alien ant farm. Been listining to them a lot lately, and I really like what they have to say in general, no out of the world bullshit that a lot of the bands out there throw at you. I guess its because they don't have things as easy as they would have hoped they had. Story of my life. Thankfully their bloody label finally decided to release their third album, and its one with some really good songs. I like em. If you get a chance give "Supreme Lifestyle" a listen. Thats somewhere most of us dont belong. Your solitude is welcome, welcome, your attitude is welcome, welcome...

As usual insomnia has got me by the leg. Its my problem I know, I'm always so anxious and panicing about things, that its bound to happen. I wish god gave me some peace, but for now I'm still looking for some peace. I'm scared my poor brain is gonna pop!

Facebook is bloody awesome, been having a lot of fun on there these days, a lot of activity among my friends and a lot of pictures of high school. My those days seem so far away. I'm also looking forward to getting back home, and it seems that jester may be traveling with me, and I like the sound of that. I'm starting to wonder if jester and I shouldnt take a short trip around australia before heading home, as this will be the last time that hes going to down in these parts as he should be moving to malaysia.. But for now I'm trying not to be too anxious or get my hope high about getting home, due to some friendly advice... "Don't put things up on a pedistal, it may leave you disappointed..." - chippie...

Sometimes I think early warning systems are useless, we always tend to ignore them anyways. I think we would all tune in more into our own warning systems and listen to them before we have to call in "mayday, mayday"... Have a good one people...

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