Friday, October 20, 2006

Back To You...

Yes, I have returned! I apologise for my absence but I have been working on some last minute assessment pieces for classes where the exams are worth a fair bit, so it's a good idea to get the best mark possible in the other assessment items (if you want a good mark overall that is). But I am done! Absolutely NOTHING pending until exams.

Have no fear though, I have been reading the posts lately and they have been good reads. I have missed so much, and on top of that, I haven't even updated my blognotes! So I have absolutely nothing to talk about so let's just wing it and see where I end up eh?

The other's package finally arrived, which is awesome! The last package the other's brother sent took MONTHS to arrive. I was worried that I would get it after he'd left to go overseas but luckily it arrived with plenty of time to spare. That reminds me, exams are fast approaching and I'll soon have to resort my 24 hour insanity (that is studying for 12 hours, sleeping for 12). I'm sure it will be abrogated because of Win's stupid idea to have Quizmania 5 nights a week now and they don't even follow a bloody good timetable, because there is some weird variation in who presents.

I have been addicted to Rush's Working Man as well as The Who's Substitute. Awesome solo in first song and brilliant bassline and clever biting lyrics in the second song.

Those weird ass flashbacks have returned. Many posts ago I referred to these. Where I am suddenly dreaming awake and I am in places where I don't know whether I've been when I was really young or just dreamt about when I was younger and I seriously don't know if they're real or not. Pretty disturbing if you ask me. Oh exams, I wish they were closer, but in a way I don't, because I need to study and study hard damn it!

I was worried about my guitar work for a while there. As mentioned, I hadn't used a pick in a while and it wasn't good for my hybrid picking. But lately I have been noodling with pick and fingers so I'm starting to feel right at home again. Once the holidays start I can start warming up properly with co-ordination exercises and be back at 100%.

I'll leave it there for now folks. Have a nice day!
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