Monday, August 15, 2005

"I heard Dick Van Dyke is coming back from the dead to star in it"

Ahh only an hour to get this entry out of the way before Lizzie McGuire! We also had our first spam comment, so I'm happy! Unfortunately I deleted it cause it made absolutely no sense to me.

The juice is worth the squeeze. Haha, how absolutely stupid yet profound in it's own little way. Hehe for those in the know, it's from Girl Next Door, which I just realised had a bit of a moral underpinning towards the end (which didn't involve elements of pornography).

Had an absolutely random day I have to say. Firstly there was not much sleep had last night so I was a little out of it to say the least. My legal theory class turned violent when people supporting some rights and others who don't support the same rights were engaged in heated debate. It was a classic. I wanted to go for the underdogs (cause they're the smart freaky LAN boys), but alas I couldn't muster up enough energy to put together a coherent argument in their favour. Damn that class, it's turning into a freakin' philosophy outlet, but I don't mind. It's different to what we normally do in other classes.

That brings me to my next point of annoyance at people who don't think outside the box. What irks me is that while we are sometimes (rarely) shown what elements constitute thinking outside of the box, but not how to do it, and why this not regular practice. This way innovation is really a tough issue and we get stuck in a frame of mind of, we like the way things are, which we all know is incredibly dangerous. Nobody questions anything and people become stuck in their mindsets, and the longer this continues, the harder it is to go back.

I was thinking about basic yet abstract concepts the other day. Numbers, the concept of more than one. How can children grasp this so easily? For very young children, they cannot see anything outside of the self. You are THEIR brother, THEIR sister, but they can't define what relation they are to you. It can't be visual, because blind people are aware of what the concept of 2 is. Why doesn't the concept of 2 get drawn into the self so that everything becomes 1 again? Interesting.

Fat women, what the hell is it about them that makes them so damn repulsive? Oh I know, it's the fat! Haha, no I don't mean to be terrible, but it's a law of sociology that people tend to hang out (or date) people that have roughly the same level of personal attractiveness. Attention is drawn to oneself when these norms are not adhered to. Case in point, there is this rather decent looking guy on campus who has this rather large girlfriend. And that's all cool and what not, I don't judge his taste in women. But EVERYONE (myself subconsciously included) just gives him looks of "what the hell are you doing" when they see them out together. Why is this? Attractive guys tend not to date fat girls. But we're trying to tear down these barriers of self image and all that, so why does such an example send the rest of us into a frenzy? Because we are all hypocrites.

Ahh my Legal Theory teacher caught me out terribly in the lecture today. As previously mentioned, I was a little zoned out today so of course my thoughts wondered from "notions of objectivity as defined by Critical Legal Theory scholars" to "I wonder how good that girl over there would be in bed?". Hahaha so there I was grinning like a goofy idiot, and my teacher kept giving me weird looks. This is disturbing as I sit in the back row in that lecture. Then later as I was in the Law School building she says "What's with all the little smiles and nods, are you off in your own little world or are you agreeing with what I'm saying?" so of course I lied and said it was about the content. Haha I hope she believed me or else she's going to think I have a thing for her and let's not go there.

Also managed to question my Torts teacher about my presentation and now the opposing counsel seems to have some idea of what she's going to do so I'm one stop closer to humiliating her in front of the whole class. I really shouldn't do that to a mature age student and mother who is a very nice person, but alas, "I will do what I must". Unfortunately I had to lie to her and say that I have no time spare on Wednesday to work together, as I spend a 4 HOUR BREAK with the other!

My journalism interview is going to go right down to the wire, it's going to be gold to see how it turns out!

Speaking of my other class for today, damn croatian women!! True, I only know 2 of them. But those 2 are drop dead sexy and it's just like the missionary girl effect!! Damn you Pavlov!

I also realised the importance of phrasing in that class when I said (about women's magazines) "that they prepare women for lives as housewives" to which the entire female class burst into riotous laughter, as I was meant to say "those magazines turn women into housewives via agenda setting", haha but alas it made me look like a bit of a mysoginist and I had to hang my head in shame. But 'twas also grand as I had amazing bouts of genius where even the teacher was saying "brilliantly put" about complex theoretical and practical concerns of the nature vs nurture debate. Also managed to shoot down someone's argument and her friends paid her out about it. Too bad she's a bit of a sexy one cause it doesn't make me look good!! Also discovered that Ass Boy actually has a brain!! He does all his work on time, and he has innovative discussion points in class. Haha, he'd be the perfect man bar the ass fetish thing! haha just a tiny minor imperfection that is! He also has really small feet for someone who is 6'4" or thereabouts and fairly muscular. My feet are bigger than his, and you know what that means!! Yesh, that my feet are bigger than his and thus, I require bigger shoes! Haha you sick minded people!

Ahh Lizzie McGuire girl, she's so damn different!! Today she showed up sporing corn-rows and usually stuff like that is an instant turn off, but I still wasn't deterred. I think I may have laughed at her for saying some thing like "that girl has a nose with hair in it" when she actually said "she has a nose and a head" and it wasn't very nice, but everyone else was laughing, I'm sorry! I'll make amends to her next time! I'm going to revert to the age old tradition of passing a note in class, how juvenile (yet awesome, cause I'm awesome)!

Have a nice day folks!!!
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