I am not even going to bother trying to excuse my absense, so here goes this one. I just read over my first post on this blog, and realised that a lot has changed, and some of it needs to come back. So I will try to change back some of the things that were right. On that note, I am going to blog more often, and also try to write more in the way I used to. Also it looks like I am going have a bit more time on my hands to do the things I need to do (Not like I didn't have the time, I just have more). Time changes everything, and nothing can change it. One movie that depicts this in the right way, it has to be Irreversable, its a French movie but I swear it shows it like it should be. So hold on to what you have now, and as long as you can, before the time ticks by, just like a bomb does, and changes everything you are acostomed to.
Is life fair?? Well almost anyone who has been around for a while knows the stark truth, its not and there is nothing we can do about it. As long as you accept the truth, you will not have a problem with it. Its a shame that most people who I consider to be the gods, have all died young, and for me way too young (But I am sure that they did everything that they intended to do, or atleast the main aspects, else they would not be my gods). Just watched the Jimi Hendrix autobiography, the man is a legend, and no man can deny that. My quote for the day is hence, "Who the fuck is Bob Dylan" (His manager asks him). Had an awesome time watching it with a few friends of mine (musically influenced, like yours truly). Sit back relax, make a big fuss about a method of playing a funky lick, and later pick up the guitars, and let the inner side out.
I also over the last period of time have not paid enough attention to "my piece of wood with those 6 strings" and I am sorry to it, and can't feel guilty enough. But the good news is that the tunes are starting to flow again. Two things I have realised in the last week. Firstly, I haven't been using my talents properly, been trying to write too many chord based very soft songs. That is not what I am about, but thats what I have been doing for the last while, and I apologize to myself, and the gods for that. And secondly, that I am able to do a lot more with this instrument, than I usually think I can. I have been practicing my stuff, and realised that there are complicated things that I usually chose not to play, but I can play them quite easily, and damn I plan to. Someday, I hope to give you all an insight on what I am talking about.
The key word is "weezer". Does it get any better than this?? Weezer IS my favorite band. I know I say different bands are my favorie, but make no mistake, this is absolutely my no 1 spot band, and they have been for a while, but now it is again amplified to the point, that I would rather listen to them than do anything else in the world. Angry nerd rock?? Call it what you will, but you will never convince me that it gets any better than this. At this point of the day I am thinking of 2 songs especially "The world has turned" and "Peace". The world has turned is exactly how I am feeling these days, and when i reherd it, I was blown away by the true emotions that pour out of the chords, and Rivers's voice. And "peace" is exactly what I am hoping that I will find some point of time. Give it a listen, and you will know what I am taking out. At 1:40 in the morning, Knaves was thinking exactly what Rivers was expressing. Also on that note, the new album "Make Believe" is truely awesome. I wasnt sure if it would as good as "Pinkerton" or "The Blue Album" (By the way, the blue album is actuall a self titled album, but its known as the bluw album, so live with it) but after putting it in the discman, it just simply hasn't come out.
A couple of weeks ago, I read of the wall of my friends place, that when success comes, there is always more to follow. And this got me thinking, its true, when your lucks good things do seem to work out the way you expected it to, or hoped to. Unfortunately, it looks like my luck is gone, its no where to be found. Firstly, I land up single again (Very possible all my fault, i've just been in limbo for a while (as you can see from my long absense) and just quite simple let it slide), and secondly all the little things doesnt seem to be coming together like I think they will (For example, I get an xbox game in the mail, insted of a ps2 one, or the fact that my headphones, just snapped in the middle, by mistake, or the ball of my earing falling off, take your pick). I hope my bad luck doesn't stick around for a while, but hey what happens happens, lets make the most of it. (Excuse me, while I kiss the sky. In other words, I'll be back and finish this). Haha I just had company while I was outside, and they were all kangaroos, sometimes they can be the best company. Back to matters.
Its funny, how one choice, or mistake can change life upside down. And guess what else, I make a mistake, and then go on to make more mistakes on that, that really didnt help thigs out, but what can one do? Everyones heard of guilty of association, but what is more sad is that poeple stop speaking to you, because you dont associate with the people they know the same way. I have been blocked by a person I used to talk to often on msn recently, and that put things into perspective. Am I happy with the changes, no, but we all deal with that. As I said time changes everything.
I was talking to my x girlfriend 3 or so weeks ago, and she had two interesting things to say. Firstly she said that my spelling had gotten a lot better, which I laughed at. I am a person that never cared too much about spelling, but I guess uni did some good for me I guess. And secondly she was un happy with me growing my hair, at which I laughed a bit louder (She reckons that I look sexier with my shorter hair, now 2 other people have told me that, so I will take their word of it)! I was loving the long hair, untill about a week and a half ago when it was getting in my eyes. Now I guess she will be happier that its back to its normal spikey hair. Its good to have it back to how I like it. Haha except my firend Jay, is irritated with my hair cut, haha (I look more punk than rock he says).
There is so much more that I planed on talking about, but I think I will stop here. I am extremely tired, and the comfort of my bed sounds good as of now. So I will leave you with a few lyrics, and remember, enjoy what you have for as long as you got.
Perfect Situation - Weezer (Make Believe)
What's the deal with my brain?
Why am I so obviously insane?
In a perfect situation
I led love down the drain
There's the pitch, slow and straight
All I have to do is swing and I'm a hero
But I'm a zero
Hungry nights once again
Now it's getting unbelievable
Cause I could not have it better
But I just can't get no play
From the girls all around
As they search the night
For someone to hold on to
And just pass through
Get your hands off the girl
Can't you see that she belongs to me?
And I don't appreciate this
Excess company
Though I can't satisfy
All the needs she has
And so she starts to wander
Can you blame her?
Tell me there's a logic out there
Leading me to better prepare
For the day that something really special might come
Tell me there's some hope for me
I don't want to be lonely
For the rest of my days on the earth