Monday, August 18, 2014

Faded Rainbows On The Horizon

And a wasted evening in the East.  Too many of them, actually.  But that's the way the cookie crumbles.  And I find I am slowly losing my eyesight.  Well in one eye at least.  Things are a bit blurry if I just use that eye, it's like I'm near sighted with just that eye, but with both eyes I can see fine.  Not good.  I'm sure I need glasses, and I'll get them at some point.  Slowly getting back into the swing of things, I'm no longer sick, but it is a struggle to get back to fitness.  Just some form of it, not even peak fitness.  It's better than nothing.  I'll get there in the end.  Guitar is also going swimmingly, but I would really like to get back to where I was in terms of theory and practical ability.  Just knowing chords and all their positions at will and just going for it.  Now, things are a bit more cerebral as I need to figure out what I'm doing before I play.

For me, it's another week of travel towards the end of the week, and I'm really looking forward to a 3 day week.  Granted, I have meetings during work travel, but I don't mind, cause they're usually over quickly and I have the rest of the time to do what I want.  Which I'm sure will just mean reading and being at the gym.  I don't mind though, as long as my books have been delivered before then!  Or else things are going to suck.  Reading is an underrated leisure activity.  The world would be a better place if we all read just a little bit more. 

What the hell is going to happen with today?  It's going to be a non-issue.  Just like everything else.  I find my thirst for knowledge insatiable, especially on financial markets, it's interesting to get involved and see what's out there, you know!  I don't know why I wasn't interested before, but I am now.  Gotta keep the brain stimulated somehow!

So yes, you should be aware by now that Robin Williams took his own life last week and it's come as a shock to everyone.  We won't get into the trope of the funniest person usually being the saddest one.  We will never know the full truth, but everyone was quick to speculate about the state of his mental health and having a conversation to spare your life, given his past history with depression and substance abuse.  But now it's coming out that he was in the early stages of Parkinson's Disease, which is debilitating and immeasurably life altering.  So should he not have the right to take his own life?  That's a very difficult question that we cannot answer for him.  But let's summarise it as follows: mental health vs the right to take your own life.

There's some crazy stuff going on in the world right now, especially with regard to this ebola epidemic.  So those of you not in the know, there was an outbreak, and a lot of people have died, which isn't that uncommon, given the mortality rate associated with ebola, and the rather nasty way people tend to die as a result.  So a lot of really knowledgeable and well trained African doctors died as they treated those infected, and somehow American volunteers who were at the site were extracted back to America and given an experimental serum and are on the road to recovery.  What the hell??  How come this serum can't be given to those infected?  If the mortality rate is so high, it doesn't matter if the drug is experimental, because at least it's an effort.  Well, just goes to show how America 'helps' people.  I hope this comes back to bite them in the ass as the outbreak fails to get contained and someone sneaks into the country for treatment and things spread.  You have to think ahead to the possible repercussions of your ridiculous medical and foreign policy.

Ahh what else was I going to blog about today?  I don't even remember.  I just want to be done for the day, but still 2 and a half hours to go, sheeesh.  I can do this!

Joaquin out.
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