But there is nothing left to show for it. I'm really enjoying guitar
at the moment, I'm coming across some awesome rhythms and patterns and chords
that just make it exciting to play! It's good to be inspired, it's good
to be creative. Things are just weird. It's not what I expected it
to be. There's plenty being said, even if just in my head. Things
have changed, and I'm not sure whether it's for the better or not. If
there's a violent shift in the order of things, then the game is over.
There's nothing else that can be done about it. Freedom of expression is
being stifled, and we have slipped down the slope of fascism.
I saw my face in the mirror this morning and I looked tired and old. The
lines on my face came out of nowhere, middle age just found me. I was
hiding in a corner in the basement, but it always wins out in the end.
Time gets to us all. I don't think I have much to say today. I'm
out for the rest of the week and I'll do my best to get into the blogger+
platform while I'm gone, but we'll see.
Everything is a struggle, but in the end we persevere. Why do I keep
referring to myself as the plural? I don't know, it's a bad habit I have,
haha! I think I may just ride this one out, there's nothing else to do.
Joaquin out.