Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Running With Animals

But there is no escape.  Yeah, things have just been absolutely nuts lately.  No time to write anything for a post.  It's just been flat out from start to finish.  When I feel like there's a spare moment to get something done, something else always comes up.  But we get on and we move forward.  Struggling against the strain of progress, for there is none really.  The more things change, the more they stay the same.  There should be more good stuff to come tomorrow, but I need to warm up and get back into things.

Guitar is going slowly unfortunately.  Stalled for a while back there, but are some new progressions and what not.  But where is it heading?  Am I just talking wildly and nothing is ever going to happen?  What am I resigning myself to?  Does it strike us that we are the same?  Maybe not.  There is still much left unsaid.  But it will be.

I've been reading up on Nate Silver and his statistics work.  Absolute genius.  I don't know how it is possible to account for all the relevant data and statistics and filter out the 'noise' so that you can have accurate results.  For those not in the know, he developed a statistical system that accurately guessed the election winners of 49 out of 50 states in America.  That's almost impossible.  He's now come up with a model for the world cup, and it will be interesting to see if he's right.  I've mentioned before that until an action starts, there is still an element of the unknown, when the potential becomes real.  And until then, statistics mean nothing, because the action may not be taken.  But the matter is trends.  Following the behavioural trend, you can get accurate results.  You need to be against the type. 

There's several groups out there devoted to long term thinking for mankind.  They note that market driven economics is all so short sighted, it leads to problems for society in the long term.  That's what's leading to these issues regarding ultra poverty and the increasing gap between rich and poor.  How does Bill Gates want to give away so much money yet still tops the richest person in the world list??  It makes no sense to me.  We need real humanist focused solutions that will provide a stable outcome for everyone. Either that or a revolution.  Away with economics and that way of thinking.  It doesn't work.  It's all about the money and the price tags.

That's it for now.

Joaquin out.
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