Again, I'm perplexed. On all fronts. On all behinds, too, haha. For whatever that's worth. Hey, only one more day to go until I'm done. I can't wait. Although I do plan to spend the weekend packing and sleeping and not much else, really.
So today let's talk about racial dynamics. If you look at places such as the bastion of stupidity, known as youtube or yahoo comments, you can see that there's a lot of repressed racism in the world, coming from mostly white middle class people. Why is the world so out of whack? They complain about black people, they complain about asians, they complain about hispanics. They even complain about other white people! Gimme a break! There was an article the other day which said racism comes about due to fear of non-inclusion, therefore the only way to retaliate is by belittling other races. I guess that could be true to some extent. But racism is prevalent in pretty much every society. But I don't think it's as insidious as it is with white cultures. With whites, they supplanted and enslaved whole peoples and nations, yet in the 21st century, they are turning around and cursing immigrants who are taking their land, their houses, their jobs, their women. The hypocrisy makes me laugh. I think everyone needs to travel overseas, and get a perspective for things outside of their country. You'll be surprised how it works wonders for people's presumptions and attitudes.
Before I go overseas, I should probably update the Joaquin Rate List (JRL) available HERE. I think it'll be my last update for a while. There just aren't that many hotties anymore! Haha it's probably cause I'm getting older and more cynical. I've also gotta get around to putting pics up of each person. What's interesting is that as of last year, that particular post is no longer the highest viewed post on this blog! How interesting! Hahaha, I can't remember what is, but that post has way more views now. Not bad at all.
The whispers start, and then they gather momentum.
I'm done with today, I hope I have something for tomorrow.
Joaquin out.