Thursday, April 10, 2008

Moving on into my own...

Somehow, in life, I aways find a way to forget about myself. What I need isn't always on top of my priority list, and that always causes a great deal of dissatisfactions for myself. Its time to grab a hold of my reins again, somehow I lost control. Too often I've put what others need in front of what I need, or whats best for me. Whether I get what I need in return or not. When it gets to that, the best thing to do probably is to go back into your own. I was once introduced to a song which always reminds me of this.

Poem - Taproot

This song is a poem to myself,
it helps me to live,
in case of fire,
break the glass,
and move on into your own...

The only person who can fully make yourself feel good, is probably yourself. I can't forget myself, I must remember what is important to me, and what it is that I want. If its not there, to stop wasting time on it, move on into your own...

I don't really think that democracy is working, or any other such ideologies for that matter. On paper, they all work, and they all have valid points, and should run properly, that is in an ideal world. Unfortunately this world is filled with Humans, and we are all flawed. There is nothing we can do about this thing. We have feelings, and sometimes these feelings can be oh so wrong. This is why all these ideologies are flawed to begin with. Its possible that all of this would work, if we were less human and more machines, but then again, we all know the fears of letting machines take over the world would be like. This world is built on paradoxes, and these paradoxes rule our this world...

I am an advertiser, yes, I've sold my soul to the devil. I persuade people to buy things, I make things look better than they are, I make creative little things to grab peoples attentions. But I never deny any of this either. I do it because, everything in this world (a capitalistic world, which we live in) requires you to be good at what you do. I'm good at this, and this will enable me to provide for the people who I may have to provide for in the future. I've somehow become very needy, and need a lot of things in this world, and for that we require money. If I am here, in this world, the least I can do is enjoy the things that I do enjoy. If that has to happen, then I need a certain amount of money, and so I do what I have to with my life.

There is no such thing as a world that works. This world is simply flawed. If it wasn't there wouldn't be so much unrest, there wouldn't be so many problems, and there wouldn't be so much unhappiness. But this all must be here for a particular reason, whatever it is. We can't fix it, but we can try and learn all we can from it. I have become very irritated with people who think that they can solve everything in this world, rather than accept its flaws. For instance, journalists believe in their so called "objectivity" and their power to uphold their so called "democracy." If democracy works so well, why is there so many problems with it, why is there miscounting in elections, and why are governments corrupt?? This is all because none of this really works, and journalists just make themselves feel better by thinking about their "objectivity" and that their role in this world is to be watch dogs of society. This is such an elitist view of the world, an more journalists in this world are definitely elitist in nature. In reality, they do all the same things I do, they persuade people into believing things. The difference is I admit to it, they try and deceive you into believing otherwise. So now, who is the bigger evil. If the other come to reading this, he may not appreciate it, but this is how I feel, and I also believe that he would understand where I'm coming from. As of this morning, I am seriously pissed off with these people who think they are making this world a better place with their practice. No one in this world does anything without a motive. We are all human after all. I think wars like Iraq are caused by people believing everything they hear in the news, and then going on to believe that they really know something about the world. Experiencing is knowing, vicarious knowledge is not...

I am definitely not the happiest person in the world at the moment, and I think a "time out" is needed. I'm going to stop wasting time on lost causes, and I'm going to move on into my own...
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