Sunday, March 22, 2009

Do you even know what's going on??

Cause I sure as hell don't!!

Ahhh busy weekend!! Saw stupid girl, which was good (even if it was for only 4 mins)!!

Haha anyhow, I managed to get some Vanilla Coke from my folks which I have put in the fridge and am absolutely looking forward to on Friday! It's sad how that's going to be the highlight of my week, but I seriously think it's about the little things for me!

Just relaxing with a vanilla coke and watching good game before watching movies for a long time! I can't wait!

I saw Slumdog Millionaire a few weeks ago now, and I thought it was absolutely amazing!!! I might have to add it to my all time faves!! I can't wait for the DVD to come out, I COMMAND you to watch it now, cause I guarantee that you won't be disappointed. I was going to discuss at length, but that would ruin some of the plot and that's never good.

I have been using package cheese lately, and that stuff does not last very long at all!! What's up with that? Should I just put it in the top section of my fridge? Hopefully it'll keep longer.

Why is it that every time I go out for food at a restaurant, there's ALWAYS at least some form of eye candy? While the quality does vary, it is still candy none the less. Today was perhaps THE hottest waitress I've ever seen in my life!!

Ahhh, it was a crazy weekend, not much sleep had so I am aiming to sleep early tonight, since I am trying to restart the gym routine again. I have slacked off too much for the past month or so, and have eaten like a pig. I went to the gym today (cause if I started tomorrow I know I woulda slept in and put it off for another week), and I almost died. 30 mins on the Xtrainer and I thought I was about to die, I am wayyyy unfit!

I also had awesome topics to blog about, but unfortunately I have forgotten them (which is terrible cause I remember when I thought of the topic that I made a mental note to remember it for the blog)! Oh well! I'll try to return to the glory days soon!

Have a nice day folks!
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