Wednesday, March 07, 2007

The State Of Things

Finally, everyone is back in the blog world and we can begin anew. I must apologise for the mystery missing month of February. I can't believe I let a month slip by without saying anything, then again I'm sure I didn't have much to say.

I have started the Expansion to Rome Total War, Barbarian Invasion and it's bloody tough! I started off as the Huns, and they aren't really good tech or econ builders, so fights need to be effective. They also lack decent infantry, and coming from RTW where I used Roman Specialised infantry all the time to crush everyone. Now I'm relying on a few infantry units in sieges to take walls so I can take a gate then send cavalry through to flood cities.

I used to build up cities then build a crapload of troops to send off, now I need to apply some brain power to my fights.

Uni is alright, these 4 day weekends are AWFUL! I'm always out or parting first 2 nights, which means I have to study the next 2 days and it really just feels like a normal week! I need to enjoy the time I say.

Good to see the others back in fine form and blogging. Ran into the original other yesterday and some fun was had with PS2 goodness. The good gaming times should be back as I'm going to see the other tomorrow, with a controller for some good 2 player and team goodness.

This new blogger layout is pretty crap I must say, they forced me to get a google account! Those bastardos! That's it for today folks! Have a nice day. Hopefully some good blogging action to come throughout the year!
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