Saturday, March 25, 2006

Who's To Say?

Yesh, it's actually a semi prompt post from me! I actually cannot be bothered going through all the steps required to update the Joaquin rate list (patent pending), but rest assured, that shall happen in due course.

I've updated my user info to include Signs as one of my favourite movies because I had just totally forgotten how freakishly good it is. M Night Shyamalan is the king of modern thriller/horror. The atmosphere of suspense is all craftily created in a Hitchcock way - being subtle. That's something that's missing in modern cinema, the audience is treated as morons and every minute detail has to be filled in for them, no matter how obvious. It is resulting in the death of imagination.

Two new (read: old) songs that I got the other day I am just in love with. U2's Sunday Bloody Sunday and Megadeth's Tornado Of Souls. The U2 song is brilliant. I think it is probably Bono's worst vocal performance (he sounds a lot like the guy from the cure). He only seems to engage on the part "we can be as one tonight". The guitar line is actually different to Edge's signature sound. There is no delay and there is actually barre chords. However, the instrumental is beautiful and fits the theme of the song perfectly.

Tornado of Souls is just sheer Megadeth brilliance it it's best. Marty Friedman did the solo in one take and was totally improvised. It harks back to his days with Cacophony, many sweep picked runs and economy picked lines but my favourite part is the triads played with a 16th note feel. It sounds great. Let's not forget Mustaine's brilliant and brutal riff in B, I don't know how he is able to sing and play such complicated lines simultaneously! Dare I say that I like it more than Hangar 18...even though it was the first sweep picked line I ever learned.

Anyway, that's enough for now. Have a nice day!
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