Wednesday, January 11, 2006

"I'm A Rainbow Too"

I must say that Robbie Williams is probably the greatest popstar of all time, barring Michael Jackson, but MJ has obviously lost it as of late, so the mantle must pass to Williams. He wrote the bassline to Trippin' (as well as the entire song) and if you've heard the song, you'd know that the bassline is borderline genius.

Had a crazy episode today, I just clotted out of nowhere and blood just started pouring out of my nose like water out of a tap and it wouldn't stop for 40 minutes. It was really thick and my parental unit was freaking out. I got light headed and almost passed out, luckily it stopped and I'm feeling much better now.

I have officially moved...downstairs! Haha! It's just too damn hot upstairs to sleep, so I have moved to the second spare room downstairs and sleeping comfortably.

If you're semi pop-culture literate, you'll know about the phenomenon that's going around at the moment revolving around hi5 as well as myspace. While it's also a good source of fun procrastination (I have laughed for many hours at some of the people), a site is finally up which expresses my views on the subject perfectly
Check it out at - seriously, it's a real site!

You'd think that with it being the 21st century, so many of the world's problems should have been solved by now. But no, the problems are getting worse at an exponential rate. Problems of every level, sociology, law & justice, environment, morals, it's just ridiculous. One such example is global warming. If you think global warming is a fallacy, you should just be flat out shot, and just left in an unmarked mass grave with the rest of your stupid friends. That or be forced to live in a hot climate. It's easy to dismiss those things when you live in a comfy airconditioned ivory tower and work in a cushy air conditioned Government building. Try living in the real world and you'll see just how scary it is.

What's really bothering me about religion is hierarchy or levels of faith. Well sure, a two tiered system makes sense, God - and then the rest of us. But it doesn't stop there in most religions. It just spirals out of control. It promotes an inherent class system, and not just that, there are also levels of heaven!! It's not enough to be a good person anymore, because heaven may not be as good for you as it is for someone else! Isn't Heaven supposed to be it, heaven?! Just bliss for everyone?? What will these different levels have??! A deluxe treatment package, but no advanced spa and massage package? It also doesn't help when religion these days is based around fear. It should be about love and having no fear! Fear God and that way you have no fear? That makes no sense whatsoever. All this fire and brimstone preaching freaks me out, and not for the right reasons.

I'm hot and sweaty, enough of blogging for now! I SWEARRR that I'll update the rate list for the next entry. Have a nice day folks.
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