Thursday, January 05, 2006

I Need A Sign

The other has blogged!!! Let us all rejoice for his glorious return, especially with such a good entry. At least the reasons for his absence were given.

I am rather annoyed!! My old comp, which is still pretty damn half decent has decided to just die. It's having power issues and it just overheats and decides to turn off at random times!! I think I'm going to need the fan fixed cause it's really pissing me off, especially when I'm downloading stuff and I still have so much crap to finish off!!!

Winamp is also annoying me lately. Even though it is on shuffle, it hardly ever selects new songs, even though I have a playlist of like 1800 songs!! What's up with that??!

It's finally happened, mxtabs and jfrocks were taken offline as legal action has commenced against most tab sites!! I AM FREAKING OUT! This is not good!! They were the best tab sites on the internet and now they're gone!! The Recording industry has gone too far!! Alright so maybe it was warranted against file sharing programs, but tab sites??! Come on, so many of them are so wrong, and it's MUSIC, it's probability, most people may come up with something that sounds remotely similar to another song and ahh it's all so ridiculous. It's true that the recording industry is really only after money, how sad.

Had a scary moment the other day. In the intense heat that we've been having lately, my guitar's G-string (no pun intended) detuned itself to Gb! This of course made all my playing askew, and I was scared, but I eventually re-tuned it to G natural using other strings and I feel grand!! It's good to be able to re-tune by ear...almost anyway. Cause I don't know what an open E is meant to sound like, which means if all my strings were out of tune, I would be utterly screwed.

Hehe that's enough for today. Another post soon hopefully. Have a nice day folks.
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