Sunday, October 05, 2008

Is this a sign of things to come, or just a wooden spoon?

I won't even bother apologising anymore, cause this is how my life is and I'm sure the other can attest to that.

I'm glad the other is having a grand time with his new job. He's told me that he's enjoying it, and that he will blog once he has time (and after he is finished with his thesis writing)!

So what's happening in other developments? Not a lot really. So here I am, making pasta and blogging at 12:37am, how exciting??! Hahah, like being back at uni...well not really, since I used to eat dinner at like 6pm everyday!

My life is pretty regimented, and I know that may sound boring, but that's how I like it. Routine makes sure that I'm on top of things and that there are no insane surprises around the corner.

But this weekend I have been mixing it up, and it is a nice welcome change. Been getting into the guitary side of things, been getting back into my King Crimson, oooh yeah, so good!

But the constant reminder is there, 11:11! I see it all the time!! I don't know why, it's not like I'm a clock watcher, but when I'm at work, I look at the bottom right hand corner, and there it is, 11:11, staring me back in the face! I wonder what it means? The other has started something I tell you!

I like my (home cooked) pasta a certain way! 3 hits of salt while water is boiling. Then once the pasta is cooked, chuck it in a bowl, then some grated cheese, then pasta sauce and then pepper, it's the tops!

I've been playing Diablo (what a blast from the past)! This was one of the first games I played in High School, and it was a lovely challenge. I remember playing it over Modem and the multiplayer was good fun. But playing it now, it's NOWHERE near as fun. Maybe I got too good. Diablo went down in under 20 hits, and it was nowhere near the same amount of satisfaction that I remembered last time. I guess my guy was just too far advanced. But it was some decent nostalgia while it lasted.

I have Diablo 2, so I better get into that soon. But I've also been enjoying Battlefield Vietnam! Such a crafty lil game. Nowhere near as team based as BF2, but still a rip roaring good time. But goddamn, I better get back into M2TW! My poor egyptians have just been idling for yonks!! I can't play my expansion before I've finished that game (for the 2nd time, you'll note that I've already done it with England). What will I do if I haven't completed them before Empire Total War comes out?! I don't know how I'll like it, I'm not too familiar with colonial battle strategies, so it's going to be entirely new to me. And Grand Theft Auto 4 on PC soon, I can't wait!! Ahh too much stuff! No time!

I don't know if I've mentioned, but my friend at work gave me more than 1tb of tv shows and movies! It's seriously nuts. Like ALL the shows I've missed over the years, as well as movies, it's just friggin' spectacular. I've calculated that with my work schedule, it would take me 3 years to even get through 10% of what he's given me, which is quite scary!

Tonight I'll hit up first few eps of Secret Diary of a callgirl (I didn't watch first 2 eps), and watch the Hayley Westenra live in New Zealand performance! I've done 17 gig this month! I'm so close to my limit!! But soon I shall be back to zero, and I can download like nuts again. Yee-haw!

Anyway, I best be off! Have a good day folks!
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