Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Crash Of Emotional Waves

Alright, get a hold of yourself!

Hahah - those who got the reference should call me, as we should be friends!

Ahh Vanilla Coke, haven't had that in a while, oh how I have missed my dark mistress. So smooth, with a little twist. Pure brilliance.

Paid a visit to the DFO (direct factory outlet) with a friend today. Oh my god. I have never seen so many fat girls in tight outfits before. It's where the poor uglies go to be seen and to attempt to look trendy. No wonder it's on the outskirts of town! I was actually walking around looking disgusted! Buttt in terms of items, it's actually not bad, so hats off to them.

I saw perhaps one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen in my life today. I was getting my hair cut when she was working in the retail area (adjacent to the place where I get my hair cut), and goddamn, I actually gasped! I usually am pretty unmoved even by the very attractive, but this woman was something else.

Anyway. What else is new in thought town? I don't know, I thought I had something to say, but I guess not! I think life takes a turn for the weird starting from tomorrow/today, so let's see how that works out.

Got my hands on the acoustic, and ahhh, so sweet. Despite the neck feeling like a bloody toy, the sound is just spectacular.

King Crimson's Sleepless wafts over my speakers. Stunning.

Till I have something non-lacklustre to say! Have a nice day folks.
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