Friday, December 22, 2006

Your bones don't crack like they used to

It's a good thing I check this blog everyday as part of my netchecklist. Otherwise I would have totally forgotten about the hilarious story. I also apologise for last night's rushed post but I was tired and it had been a busy day.

Anyway, on to my story. There was this annoying guy in college (which would amount to High School for you Americans) who lived on my street. Anyway, nobody in my group liked him. In fact, nobody liked him. He was annoying and he'd always find a way to sidle us and get himself involved in everything when we didn't want him there. Never the less, he got involved with a girl who I was becoming close to at the time. This freaked me out and annoyed me to no end. He was everywhere!!! Then it turns out he knew a friend of mine outside of school and was at her birthday party and I had to put up with his antics there!

Time had passed and I hadn't heard from him because we were at different universities. Then I ran into him at another friend's birthday party and he was dating another girl who I rated!! Ahhhh, so not cool! He's become a nemesis of sorts, a "Newman" of my very own (Seinfeld for the uninitiated). I ran into this girl again last night, and after I remembered she dated this guy I was so disgusted because he's just such a pain in the ass, yet she seemed like a smart girl. However, I found they have broken up so that's quite excellent, excellent indeed. You know what? I think I'm going to watch Serendipity tonight, I'm in the mood for some, and some slushie too, but no shops are open!! Have a nice day folks!
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