Sunday, December 10, 2006

Strapless In Strapsville


Someone judged me.

It was awful.

As you would know (if you've been reading the Joaquin Rate List - JRL, which if you read my posts, you would be perusing on a regular basis), Nikki Osborne is the #1 reigning champion of the list. She recently posed for a men's magazine called Ralph. Don't worry, it's not pornography ala Playboy or something like that, but if you ask me, mags like Ralph are pretty lowbrow. Anyway, Nikki is Nikki and as such, I had to buy it. This posed a dilemma as all the newsagent staff are like teenage girls still in high school or college and it was just an absolute riot trying to decide which girl looked the least innocent so that she wouldn't be corrupted or I would feel the least guilty about.

Anyway, let me digress for a little while to talk about a friend of mine who is still in college. He was showing me a picture of someone he liked, and also in that picture was a very cute girl. I told him to set us up (jokingly), and anyway time passed.

Cut back to 2 days ago, and I was buying this magazine looking all shifty. Haha as a quick sidenote, why would they place the guy magazines next to the teen girl mags???! I took it up to the counter while it was packed, and I was being nice and letting everyone ahead of me, but it just made me look worse and the girl at the counter looked familiar. As you have guessed by now, my friend (who was with me coincidentally) pointed out (AFTER, mind you) that the girl was the same girl from the picture. This was horrifying as this other dude in line was eyeing me off like I was some dirty old man, even though I was like 20 years his juniour. And the girl at the counter just looked at me as if I was scum. Haha there goes that chance!

Haha it was just a comedy of errors, and my city effect comes back to bite me in the ass. It's all connected to me I just know it! Hopefully it won't ever happen again (I hope)! Anyway, have a nice day folks!
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