Thursday, December 07, 2006

I'm Thrown!

I apologise for my absence, but with my golden entries lately, I thought I would be forgiven. It's good to see the others are having fun while overseas (as long as they get back in one piece)!

So my dear bear is not able to be fixed!! The only place in my city that specialises in repairs says they are unable to do it out of fear of destroying it completely!! Damn them! Now I have to hope it holds together for the rest of my life. I don't know what their problem is, it only needs a re-stuffing and a re-stitching and everything will be peachy!! But they can't even do that! Talk about letting the consumer down, bad for economics I say!

It almost killed me, but after many weeks of watching 2 (sometimes 3) movies a day, I have finally finished my movie block!! I had to watch Banlieue 13 (a french film) with no subtitles but I still understood a bit of what was going on, I also watched Tom Yoong Gong (a Thai film) with no subtitles, I had no idea what was going on but damn the action was sweet and Tony Jaa is a machine!!! So all that's really left now is to watch some of the tv shows I have stocked up (even though I've seen most of the eps) so that shouldn't take too long. I also have 3 various G3 concerts, as well as a crap load of instructional videos!! Speaking of, made up some new songs (instrumental wise), as well as finished up some old ones that I have been working on for yonks so I am very pleased.

I was informed by a friend who told me that he googled my name and found 2 items that are actually about me!! I was scared, even more so when I was told that my voice is online!!! How scary is that?? I even checked for myself and he was telling the truth! Damn internet.

Well it's early December which means High Schoolers and College kids have finished for the year and are out monopolising shopping centres, movie theatres, restaurants, nightclubs, bus interchanges, dark alleys and suburbs for the summer. That's so stupiddd! My friend suggested a friday no child policy or curfew, I thought this was a brilliant idea and should be enacted by the local legislature! Damn children!

Also damn Berri Pulp Free Orange Juice!! I am addicted!!! They make it taste sooo damn good. I wouldn't be surprised if it had MSG! The only other stuff I drink is the occasional glass of water, and on Fridays and Saturdays one 350ml bottle of Vanilla Coke. So this means in summer I am getting 7 hits of OJ a day, it's too much, but I can't get enough!

I have been reading through our old blog notes (there is a HELL of a lot of stuff I tell you), and it's interesting just to see how much I've changed, even in a short span of just two years. Still getting through stuff, I'm only a few months through.

So what's the good news you ask? I can't count! That's correct, I cannot! As a result of my foolishness, I realised I actually get to graduate at the end of 2007, so I am one happy person thank you very much!!! I get to graduate with all my friends and I even have a much more reduced workload over the year so I am sitting pretty thank you very much!! Muhaha, I feel good!! It also means I get to have 2 graduation ceremonies next year as I will have done both my degrees, yay!

Have a nice day folks! OH OH OH! I realised there is a few more additions to the patented Joaquin Rate List (JRL), and they shall be added as soon as humanly possible (since I'm on hols and oh so very lazy, this may be a while, but I'll try)! That's it for today.
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