Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Feed Us Lies From The Table Cloth

Every now and then you find something that completely takes over, and you have no controll bit to give in. Its a great feeling, don't have to do anything, just let it take over and drive. Damn, now I know what Coke users feel. No, I am not on drugs, just System of a Down taking over with their absolutely fantastic music. Just listen to their first single B.Y.O.B. the sarcasm of the absolute poppy chorus shouts out their briliance...

Everybody Everybody Everybody Livin Now, Everybody Everybody Everybody Fucks
Everybody Everybody Everybody Livin Now, Everybody Everybody Everybody Sucks
Everybody Everybody Everybody Livin Now, Everybody Everybody Everybody Dies
Everybody Everybody Everybody Livin Now, Everybody Everybody Everybody Cries

Well anyways, sorry people, I have been... eerrrrrr....busy... Hey!! Don't question my authority!! As the other has pointed out, its almost the end of the semester, and so we have to bring in the big guns, and actually do a lot of studying. Haha but today I found out that I get one of my exam papers before hand. This is looking on the positive.

But everything is not like that!!! Fucking bastards took away the little gift that the monetary fairy had left me!!! Damn it now I will not get my new mp3 player. On top of that my CPU fan decides to just die on me this morning. Thankfully Ebay saves the day, a replacement is already on its way!!! Why is it so bloody hard to get a bloody job?? I just need something so I can eat during my break, is that too much to ask??!!?? Oh well i'll just ponder my thoughts here in my sorry. But thankfully System of a Down is here to cheer me up (thats kinda like an oxymoron)...
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