Saturday, May 21, 2005

Buffalo Stance

Note to self: buy a cattle prod so I can force the other to start blogging!! He has promised a blog sometime soon so have no fear. Week 14 next week, so 2 weeks until you'll start seeing very regular posts from the both of us.

I haven't been doing very much, just school work and wishing for this semester to be over already. What have I been up to? I had one of the craziest experiences of my life the other night. My friend and I went to the midnight showing of Episode 3 of Star Wars, and as we know that the fans of said film are absolute psychos and line up early, we decided to go at 6pm in order to beat the crowd. We did the same for Ep 2 and we made it only cause my college friends were in line and we kinda cut into the line hehe. But this time people had been waiting like 14 hours and they were a lot more vigilant with crowd control and cutting in so we were -2 c weather...for 6 hours!! I almost died! I couldn't feel my legs or anything. What makes it more disturbing was that I was wearing a t-shirt, jumper, denim jacket and a winter jacket over it!! Then the crazy fans who dress up were all excited and it wasn't affecting them in any way, it was all insane. My friend and I passed the time by playing games of Uno and Cards as well as pigging out on various sugary snacks. But it turned out that it was not in vain, as the movie was bloody awesome. Some of the finest moments in cinema took place in this film and for once the cinematography and music matched perfectly and the last 30 mins of this film as exciting as it gets. I won't even comment on the influence on pop culture that it's had, as we all know so just go and give it a look (but please avoid the fans, they seriously have no lives). Who would have thought that Anakin Skywalker was Darth Vader? Haha I kid! Have a nice day folks. I'll start with the good substantive stuff some time soon!
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