Tuesday, September 28, 2010

All The Chances That I've Blown

I don't know why I have to keep beating my drum about this, as I'm sure I've blogged about this numerous times. In college (covering the ages of 17-18) here where me and the other live, you're required to sit something called the AST. It's basically a series of multiple choice questions, an essay (and one other component that I seem to have forgotten) that take up 2 and a bit days. You don't really get a chance to study for these, though you get to sit a mock exam a few months before. I didn't really know what to expect, the wikipedia page for the test states that it's an aptitute test, and not really a knowledge test. However, you are given a point ranking, so I'm not sure how that works - it has to be ranked based on knowledge. All questions are weighted the same, with no breakdown of aptitude, so english-preference students don't know if a high score relates to English or Maths and so on. Anyway, the test covers a whole range of things, from science, to maths, to english reasoning. There's several abstract questions in there, and it's sat in exam conditions (which is basically 600 students cramped into the College gym in excruciating silence. Anyway you tend to sit these exams in September and you don't find out your score till December (when you've actually graduated).

So after we've all received our certificates, we start comparing scores. People seemed to have scored about 160-190 (don't ask me how that works). I take a look at mine - 240 (or thereabouts). What the hell? How did I score so high? There were as many maths questions as there were English comprehension questions and general reasoning questions. As you might have guessed, maths is not my forte. This was against people who had aced through all their Super Advanced Maths and Physics classes, and had topped the school in terms of grades and their university admission index (uni entrance score). After some further checking, it became clear that only one person in the entire school beat me - the dux, who scored 260 (or thereabouts). What did this mean? I don't know. I just felt vindicated, cause I just wanted to grab that piece of paper and just smash it in everyone's faces. Beating everyone (almost), and by such a mammoth margin. It was a great moment - oh to see everyone's faces when they saw my score.

I wish there was a point to that story, but I guess it's a good allegory for my life.

Friendship - what the hell does that mean? I don't know. I am quite sure that the longest and most enduring friendship I've had is with the other (having first met in 1998 or so), which is fantastic. However, there was a massive gap of a few years somewhere in the middle, when the other was living and studying overseas, and I had no word from him. So when you average it all out, my longest friendships have been that long. I read an article a few weeks ago that you tend to change your close circle of friends every 7 years or so, with only 1-2 people generally surviving the cull. I don't know what's with that, but I guess people change. I remember my oldest friend from High School, who I was quite close to, and knew him all the way up to when I was infatuated with Les Femme Anomaly. Then he just stopped contacting me. True, I guess it's my fault for not really following through with my end of the friendship, but I remember reaching out to him on a few occasions and hearing nothing back. It's those ones that get to you, so painful that you can't even address it. I think my friendship with him and Les Femme Anomaly ended at the same time, and since it was uni and I was incredibly busy, I didn't really have the time to process it. But hey, it's just change, and it goes, like it goes - thank you Justin King. To the hidden recesses of my memories you have to go now (the old friends, not Justin King).

I am currently working on my taxes at the moment. When I did them last year, they were actually quite fun, but with work and post-grad uni on at the same time, it has become quite the arduous task. However, I must give credit to the Australian Tax Office for instigating it's electronic lodgement system, so you can do your return online.

I don't know if I've mentioned it, but on request of the other I finished Freakonomics (albeit a borrowed copy). I was so impressed at the ideas and the level of thinking involved that I bought my own copy today, and also bought the sequel, Superfreakonomics, which I am just ambling to read!

That's it for now folks. Have a nice day! Joaquin out.
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