Friday, December 07, 2007

I can't see which way I'm going

I'm in dire need of a shower and a shave. I look homeless. Haha pretty soon I will be come to think of it!

I also need to cut my nails!

Oh my chords are toooooo good! I don't know why I didn't update before, I learned James Morrison's You Give Me Something a long time ago now, and I still remember the Cornell goodness. I also picked up the annoying chorus part of Eric Clapton's Change The World.

Interstate on Sun or Mon but should be back soon after.

Oh how some things make sense to some to the point where it becomes second nature, but to others it is an entirely foreign concept. Right now I have a strong sense of the latter.

More on that later.

I'm going to play guitar and engage in more exercises to prove my own ineptitude. Have a nice day folks!
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