Saturday, April 14, 2007

Stop that piss mid motion!

Whats happening people. I know I know, I won't even apologize anymore. There has just been so much happening at the moment. I can't wait till this bloody semester gets done, and guess what its only half way there. But as always the last few weeks fly by with all sorts of crap that you have to turn in. On top of all that I have a two week break, but I guess I can't really call it a break as I have more work to accomplish than what I have to do in the normal study period. I just can't wait till its over.

Life in general in Canberra is slow. The little random things that happen are what you hold on to, and damn there have been a lot of random things happening. Random drunken rants, and things said that no one should really know (This goes out to Mr. Big J, you know what I'm talking about, we take it to the grave, you said what you did, I said what I did). Haha its been a funny few days really. Emotional topsy tervy. I'm still trying to figure out how to over come gravity... It takes a while to master. Random phonecalls from somepeople who you thought you had left in the past, makes you think what the hell is going on. Poeple claim to have done something to you, that you could swear someone else had done. Thats the crazyness that is my life. If anymore random things happen I swear, I'm gonna go to Bermuda. Even bloody Bangladesh are winning a few matches in the world cup.

Had an interesting conversation after a massive night, down at manuka, when we went to see Kid Kenobi (which was great btw), J2 (as I shall call him) burst out talking all of a sudden. Asks Ratshit how long he had been with his girl, and he said 2 years. Asked me. The he goes on, yeah, I was with this girl for about a year, she cheated on me, so I smasshed the shit out of her. We were all like what the fuck?!? Then he goes just joking. See even my converstations that I have with people are completely random. I am random and I like it.

I have turned my whole schedule around by 12 hours. so I sleep during the day, and stay up and work all night long, till I attenmt to make a phone call to Europe, then pass the hell out. Its been working quite well for me. I wish I could stick on this schedule forever. People = shit, and they irritate the hell outta me. Its better to stay this way. The other thing is that everyone I end up spending time with follows the same pattern, and so it works out for all.

If I could go anywhere in the world where would I go right now??? I think the answer is LA. Why? Been watching entourage way too much. Why am I stuck in this crap hole??
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