I almost forgot to post today but I’m not gonna let that happen again.
Isn’t it weird how the audience has fragmented?
Communications theory is very big into centralisation/convergence of technology and larger participation as developing nations are able to access technology for cheaper.
However content creation and competition has completely decimated the audience. While in the 90s we had tv with 7 or so channels so market share was enormously concentrated. Now we have digital channels, streaming content and so on. The same is true for music and film. There is just so much content out there and different ways of accessing that information.
As a result we will never see the large audience shares that were once experienced. What does this mean for profits and content sustainability in the long term? It’s interesting to think about.
We will keep fragmenting the audience and diluting content. Will we ever reach consensus again? What will water cooler conversation revolve around when we all have different viewing or consumption habits?
I guess in the end all you can do is create content for your little audience and hope they enjoy it enough to sustain you and you can grow modestly from that.
The past is gone.
We fracture in the middle.
Joaquin out