Wednesday, February 08, 2006

All I Know

Just finished The Fountainhead and Angels & Demons before uni started! Hooray! Now that means I should be able to update more often and fit some more guitar in.

The Fountainhead was good, incredibly intellectual to almost a fault. I had to read some passages twice in order to get some proper meaning from it. But it was enjoyable none the less.
Angels & Demons was just SPECTACULAR. Again Dan Brown has shown how to right a novel which rides a climax from start to finish. The twists and turns in it were even crazier than The Da Vinci Code. I can't wait to read more of his books.

But something troubling me is that when I read now, sometimes my eyes trick me and I see words that aren't there for some strange reason. Probably from lack of reading off actual pages for a long time! Hopefully it'll go away.

At the moment I'm trying to pick up Eric Johnson's Cliffs Of Dover. Absolutely stunning song. The hybrid picked intro is pure genius and I'm going to have to steal it now!

Nothing new to report, have a nice day folks!
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